1000 Lumen Rechargeable Headlamp





The Rechargeable Headlamp with 1,000 Lumen Turbo Mode

The TRANSCEND is a powerful, rechargeable, headlamp that features a 1,000 lumen Turbo Mode and new Smart Power Control that allows the TRANSCEND to seamlessly transition through the different light modes. It utilizes Micro USB charging, a powerful magnetic base, and has an adjustable tilting design to direct the light exactly where you need it. The TRANSCEND — go beyond the range of limitations.

1000 Lumens5 Light Modes
180 degree vertical pivot

Display and features

Dealer Cost & Case Pack

Order the TRANSCEND today!

To order the TRANSCEND or for additional information on any product, contact your NEBO Sales Manager or submit your request below and your NEBO Sales Manager will contact you immediately.


NEBO Tools - a division of Alliance Consumer Group
www.nebotools.com - 800.255.6061